The Flying Brick Loony Hello, the Flying Brick here, Shadow Minister for the ‘Abolition of Gravity’. I was given this Loony title because I used to paraglide round the hills of Derbyshire, then I crashed.
So now it’s a vendetta against gravity and I am continuing my research into its abolition from the safety of my laboratory.
My first policy is it’s time for the passengers of the entire country to ‘all change at Crewe’.
I would open a huge train-spotting university sited in the Crewe station Basford Hall shed. Crewe and Nantwich would be declared a ‘no-car’ zone with every residence connected with their own private rail network.
Crewe and Nantwich Loonies would move the Westminster Houses of Parliament to our new headquarters, The Rising Sun, Earle Street, Crewe.
I will introduce piranha to the River Weaver as this will make fishing a spectator sport. Tourism would be increased tenfold and jobs increased in Leighton Hospital. I propose a new, world leading, ward opened specialising in fish bites.
The Euro. The Official Monster Raving Loony Party is a very old, established, political organisation. We cannot even start to think about the Euro as we have yet to recover from the shock of decimalisation in 1971. We would like Great Britain to reintroduce pounds, shillings, groats, pence and farthings.
Eventually Europe would be allowed to join our currency although we would expect a courtesy gift of large amounts of fine wine and cheeses. Whoever thought of situating Bentleys at ‘Pym’s Lane’ should be given a knighthood.
On my walk-about in Crewe town centre I have heard a lot about the unwelcome introduction of fortnightly bin collection. I propose that any citizen who actually manages to close the lid of their wheelie bin on the day of collection should be awarded a brand new Bentley. This will be paid for by a European grant.
On Thursday I hope that you will enter the voting booth with conviction knowing you are voting for the only candidate who makes any sense. Vote for insanity, vote for Nick Delves, the Flying Brick, vote Loony.
Tamsin Dunwoody Labour My mum taught me about principles, about beliefs. She taught me to always stand up for what’s right. She would say you can sit back and do nothing in life or you can get up and fight.
I’m getting up and fighting. I’m a Dunwoody, after all.
And I’ll speak my mind on the things that matter to people in Crewe and Nantwich, especially crime and cracking down on yobs. There is a lot of talk about human rights at the moment. For me, one of the most important human rights is for people to feel safe in their homes and communities.
It is not good enough to talk about getting tough on crime, the people of Crewe and Nantwich deserve action. That’s why I’ve come forward with a plan of action to cut crime, with more police on the beat and a crackdown on anti-social behaviour.
I want the police to harass yobs, get in their faces. It is not good enough that people are scared to walk the streets because of under-age drinking. I won’t stand for it in Crewe and Nantwich.
Like you, I am angry that when you phone the police you don’t get a quick response. I have already contacted the Chief Constable of Cheshire to demand action in crime hotspots.
And as a mum-of-five, I know what it’s like to bring up a family. Even after the Minimum Wage, Child Tax Credits, higher Child Benefit and cuts to Income Tax, people are feeling the pinch. I’ll always stand up and help families who are struggling to make ends meet and fight for a fair deal for local families with well-paid, skilled jobs, and apprenticeships.
I have not seen anything from the Tories that would improve the lives of people here. It is a disgrace that the Tory council has not used the powers available to them to crack down on yobs making life a misery for local residents. The Tories have let you and your family down. They don’t understand what normal people face in their everyday lives.
This by-election is about looking to the future, having an MP who will carry on sticking up for the people of Crewe and Nantwich.
I’m a Dunwoody – I love the challenge and I’m ready to take on the immense privilege of being your champion, fighting for you.
Gemma Garrett Beauties for Britain Gemma Garrett is the current Miss Great Britain. She has pledged to ensure that Westminster follows the lead of its fellow European legislatures by bringing more glamour to politics and to government through the election of more beautiful and intelligent women.
Her campaign has taken particular inspiration from the appointment of beautiful former topless model Mara Carfagna to the cabinet of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and from the wow factor which Carla Sarkozy has brought to French politics.
“I want Westminster to be the home of as many glamorous and confident people as any Parliament in Europe and I want an emphasis on beauty to extend into every aspect of British life,” she said.
Gemma is campaigning on a range of women’s issues with particular emphasis on making the cost of child care tax deductible to all working mothers.
She added: “I hope my standing in Crewe and Nantwich will genuinely fire up peoples’ interests in politics and help turn back the dull tide of cynicism which has dogged this country’s political life for so long now.”
Gemma is demanding immediate changes to the tax system to help working mums and wants Gordon Brown and Chancellor Alistair Darling to act as fast and to find at least as much instant cash as they did in rewriting the Budget to rectify their 10p tax error.
She said: “Brown and Darling managed to suddenly conjure £2.7 billion out of a hat to put right their own mistake in making five million lower paid workers pay more tax. Only days before they had said there was no money available and then they managed to find a whole new Budget.
“If they can suddenly find billions to cover up their own incompetence and try and save their bacon politically then surely they can do the same on an issue which really matters to millions of women?
“Britain is held back in comparison to other countries globally by its failure to give working women a fair deal and a proper chance to contribute to the success of the UK. If I am elected I shall work full time to shame the sitting government into implementing the changes.
“I will do everything within my power as a woman to persuade the men in charge that women need a fair deal and that they need it now.”
Mike Nattrass UKIP Generations have lost blood, sweat and tears keeping our country independent. Dishonest governments gave it away without consulting the people.
75% of our laws are made by the EU who take your money, spending it on wild projects instead of basic services and pensions. We currently have Dr Bob Spink MP and two members of the House of Lords trying to restore sovereignty and accountability to our parliament. They need your help.
I joined the fight when, as a consultant for industrial and commercial property, I saw EU rules and regulations destroying industry and jobs.
You have been let down by governments since the 1970s who pretend they are independent. I want to give you a voice in Westminster and represent you on the issues that matter most, our country, our pensions, our money, our local services. Not EU high flying schemes eating up your taxes.
The UK gives the EU £5.7m an hour! Spend it locally in this country not in Eastern Europe.
Due to EU policy, millions came from Eastern Europe to live here, more than any forecast. In Crewe & Nantwich this has caused problems in planning of healthcare, housing and education. These extra costs are picked up by you. Yes you, even if you don’t pay tax you get reduced services. UKIP says stop EU open borders policy, freeze all immigration for five years and issue work permits for those necessary to our economy.
Four post offices closed in Crewe and Nantwich because of EU regulations. This hits local communities and particularly the elderly. How dare they! The other parties pretend they fight such closures – but they voted for them in the EU parliament! The classic Lib-Lab-Con.
Fortnightly household waste collections are due to the EU imposing landfill tax on councils. A burden on you! This EU rubbish directive means incinerators are planned locally as blots on the rural landscape to spew toxins over Crewe and Nantwich. Stop it! We are in favour of recycling but there must be weekly collections.
The 10p tax fiasco shows how far Labour have moved away from the “Working Man”. UKIP has long advocated a Flat Tax policy which will make taxpayers better off – our policy takes a further 4.5 million lower paid out of Income Tax altogether.
We advocate a tax-free personal allowance of £9,000, merging existing Income Tax bands and employees’ National Insurance contributions into a single flat income tax at a rate of 33%. Reducing top rate for Capital Gains Tax to 33% and scrapping Inheritance Tax altogether. Less paperwork and less admin costs.
I want to improve life for residents. I have known Crewe since a child visiting Crewe Works and railway sheds and I have family living locally.
Your problems may be parking, traffic congestion or controversial plans to install phone masts near schools. Let me know.
Stand up for Crewe and Nantwich, together we can get our country and money back.
David Roberts English Democrat The English Democrats want a strong, democratic England, united and governed by her own people; an English Parliament with a First Minister for England and a Government, with similar powers to the Scottish ones. We also want an end to unfair subsidies to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
We would like to make St George’s Day our national holiday so that old and young can come together to celebrate our national community England.
The English Democrats have strong environmentally-friendly policies. We believe that the way to tackle rubbish is to focus on reducing its creation by reducing packaging on products rather than just by penalising ordinary people and reducing the numbers of bin collections.
We want to fight for English equality where devolution has provided benefits not currently enjoyed by our people.
The best examples are in relation to free prescriptions, hospital parking and tuition fees; availability of Student Grants; access to expensive cancer drugs in Wales; higher public spending per head as is also the case in Scotland where long term care for the elderly does not require the sale of their home in order to cover costs.
We are also unhappy about the West Lothian question where Scottish MPs are able to vote on local English issues without being accountable to the English electorate. The Barnett formula is also out dated for Scotland.
This is where tax money is allocated at a ratio of 3:1 compared to the English, delivering better education and health care for Scotland.
We want a firm but fair immigration policy based upon the points system currently employed by Australia and Canada.
The English Democrats will seek referendum authorisation to decide this country’s future relationship with the EU. That referendum should include the option of leaving the EU and joining the European Free Trade Association, whose countries have a free trade agreement with the EU. We believe that this country should leave the EU.
If the people of Crewe and Nantwich put their trust in me and the English Democrats it will deliver a loud voice to the Government. It will make it very clear that the inequality for the English working people is no longer acceptable. I will also undertake to work hard on behalf of the constituency and use the MP influence for the benefit of local business and other local issues.
Elizabeth Shenton Liberal DemocratLocal people are telling me that they will be backing me on Thursday because they are looking for a strong campaigner and a genuine local voice that can truly reflect the area. That is what I am offering.
Electing a Liberal Democrat MP for Crewe and Nantwich will send a strong message to Gordon Brown that enough is enough.
Throughout my campaign local people have been telling me how disappointed and let down they are by Labour.
I share their feelings and, like them, believe it is time for a change.
I have spent many years in both my personal and professional life championing and speaking up for people on a local, regional and national level as a trade unionist and now as a local councillor. I am a fighter and a determined campaigner.
As a trade unionist I have worked to help people with issues such as pensions, job security and low pay. I’m also passionate about animal welfare and have worked actively on this.
I have lived near Crewe and Nantwich all my life and I understand local issues.
Labour’s 10p tax hike is hitting the lowest paid while crime and fear of crime is leaving people scared of leaving their house; now they have chosen a candidate who does not know the area and always backs Gordon Brown instead of standing up for local people.
Local people are angry about Labour’s tax hike on the lowest paid, Gordon Brown’s abolition of the 10p rate of tax will leave some people paying over £400 extra in tax each year.
I understand just how it is affecting people as I, like many people here, have personally lost out after the changes.
It will hurt the pockets of at least half the working people in Crewe and Nantwich and the Liberal Democrats are leading the fight locally and nationally to get compensation for local people who are paying more tax; we are the only party with a clear alternative policy on this issue.
On the doorsteps many people are also telling me that crime is one of their biggest worries. Labour look set to cut up to 129 police officers from our local force – after cutting 47 last year. I am supporting local police chiefs who are fighting to get an extra 35 police on our streets. The Conservatives on the council have failed to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour on our streets.
I am also leading a campaign to stop further increases in parking charges at Leighton Hospital. Local people should not have to keep paying more to visit sick friends and relatives. Issues like these make a real difference for local people.
I will quite simply be a local MP who will listen to local people and always put them first.
Robert Smith Green PartyStanding as a Green candidate for this by-election gives people the opportunity to vote for an alternative to the three main parties.
My main focus is on transport issues. Having graduated with a town planning degree in 2007 and becoming a transport planner, I hope to follow in Gwyneth Dunwoody’s footsteps of promoting transport issues, particularly public transport.
Being a young candidate (23) doesn’t mean that I don’t have the political experience, however – having been in the Green Party for five years now, I have stood in local elections and helped across the country.
I’m standing in this election because none of the three main parties seem willing to tackle the big transport issues we face. I would like to see stronger regulation of bus services within Crewe, with the creation of bus contracts that deliver better services in the short term, and in the longer term look towards deregulation and being brought back under local control; Crewe rail station being redeveloped in its existing site rather than the suggestion of moving the station further out of the town.
For Nantwich, I would want to see more rail services stopping at the station, and a community group set up to promote its use. Longer term, I would campaign to get the railways renationalised.
I want us to live in a healthier society. Greens put the emphasis on prevention, not just cure. We shouldn’t allow junk food to be advertised or sold easily to children, and we should promote local food and local farms as a way to help local people eat healthier food at lower prices.
Greens also want people to take back their communities, with safer streets for children. A 20mph speed limit in all residential areas will cut the number of children killed in road accidents every year. We also believe that slower urban traffic will encourage more people to switch to cycling, which also helps us to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Alongside this are our traditional messages, promoting recycling, a reduction of carbon emissions and greater use of renewable energy.
You don’t need to vote for the least worst option any more. Vote for positive politics you can believe in and vote Green on Thursday.
Paul Thorogood Cut Tax on Petrol and Diesel The problem is UK fuel duty for petrol and diesel is the highest in Europe. Indeed, UK diesel duty is double the EU average rate. We are calling for the tax on petrol and diesel in the UK to be cut by at least 50%.
The price of filling the average family car’s 50- litre tank of petrol is now £10 more than this time last year when a litre of petrol cost 87.5p. Petrol in the USA costs about £1.50 a gallon while ours costs three times as much. As we are oil- producing nations, we believe the extremely high levy on petrol and diesel in the UK is unjustified.
The principal aim of the party is to campaign for the abolition of VAT on fuel as this is effectively a tax on a tax. The Government adds VAT to the price of fuel and the fuel tax they have already slapped on. Oil companies currently charge around 35p for one litre of fuel, but the Government adds a tax of nearly 200% – that is why petrol now costs £1.11 per litre and diesel per litre is £1.21.
The Government blames global oil prices for the current price of petrol and diesel, but the fact is they could seriously reduce this financial burden if they had the political will. If our aims were achieved today petrol would cost less than 70p a litre. At the moment low- income families can’t afford to run their cars to get to work and British hauliers are going out of business and laying off workers because they can’t compete with continental rivals. It all adds up to higher costs on essentials such as food. It has got to stop.
We want less stick and more carrot. We aim to spend billions more of the revenue from motorists on public transport to increase and improve train and bus services and subsidise the cost of fares. This will encourage motorists to use their cars less. The Labour Party doesn’t want us to get out of our cars – the Government needs the tax we pay on fuel to pay for their expensive policies such as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the introduction of identity cards.
We recognise the current Labour Government, and indeed Conservative ones before that, have steadily increased the taxation on motorists and hauliers but the amount spent on improving roads and public transport has shrunk. This needs to change.
Until the lion’s share of tax levied from fuel is spent on improving public transport, the British people and companies will not reduce their use of cars or lorries as a way of moving themselves or goods around as there is often no viable public transport alternative.
Edward Timpson ConservativeAt a time when it is becoming more and more expensive to do the weekly shop, fill the car up, or pay the gas bills, Gordon Brown could have made life easier for normal people.
But, instead, he decided to hit the lowest paid in society by getting rid of the 10p tax rate. Add to this higher taxes on things like a pint of beer and a tank of petrol and it’s clear that Gordon Brown doesn’t have a clue what it’s like to live on a low income.
Even now, his by-election team claims that the 10p tax rate “is not an issue” for people here in Crewe and Nantwich. He still doesn’t get it.
When Tamsin Dunwoody and Gordon Brown boast about cutting crime, it just goes to show how out of touch they are. Violent crime in Crewe and Nantwich has trebled, while alcohol-fuelled crime and anti-social behaviour remain real problems. Meanwhile, Gordon Brown keeps our police stuck behind their desks filling in forms. They should be out on the beat, fighting crime – not tied up in red tape.
On top of this, our public services are under pressure. They haven’t been given the support they need to deal with recent rises in population. In our schools, the gap between rich and poor kids’ achievements is widening and one in five parents can’t send their children to their first-choice school.
At Leighton Hospital, the maternity unit had to shut its doors to women in labour on two occasions last year while the number of midwives has also been cut. I love the NHS – my three kids were all born at Leighton and the staff were brilliant each time – but it hurts me to see it treated this way.
There shouldn’t be anything inevitable about losing our local services. I have fought to keep our post offices open and I will continue to do so; I ran a marathon for the new Macmillan cancer unit at Leighton; and I am the only candidate standing up for local shops, pubs and GP surgeries.
The local elections on May 1 showed that more and more people around here are voting Conservative, many for the first time ever. The Liberal Democrats, meanwhile, came a poor third place, and received less than a fifth of the votes.
Unlike the other candidates, I was born and bred in the local area.
The Liberal Democrats dumped their original candidate as soon as they realised there would be a by-election, and the Labour candidate lives 175 miles away in South West Wales. We know from her time in the Welsh Assembly that she is slavishly loyal to the Labour leadership.
If you want somebody who will stand up for the local area, and stand up to Gordon Brown, vote for me, your local Conservative candidate.
That’s the only way you can send Gordon Brown a message.
Mark Walklate IndependentI’m just an ordinary man raised in Crewe with the same dreams and ambitions as most people I know.
I want to be able to run a car without paying so much in fuel tax.
I want to be able to afford a house and be able to start a family with a home for them to live in.
I want them to feel safe at home and on the streets.
I want justice when a crime is committed.
I want an education for my children and jobs for them at the end of it.
I want an NHS service capable of taking care of all of us.
I want the security that I will be independent in my old age because I will have a pension to meet my needs.
I want to be able to save for a rainy day knowing where I put my savings is secure.
I want to know how much tax I really pay and what it’s spent on.
I want public servants who really serve the public.
I want my bins emptied weekly without an increase in tax.
I want teachers, nurses, doctors and police to be left to get on with the job and not used as a political football.
I want to go into Leighton Hospital if I’m ill and not worry about getting MRSA.
I want Queen’s Park to reopen to its former glory and councillors to stop messing about and playing games.
I want no privatisation of Royal Mail.
I want residents and visitors to be able to drive straight into Crewe without sitting in queuing traffic on Saturdays.
I want town centre car parking charges lowered.
I want to encourage and support small and medium-sized businesses.
I want no closure of Crewe Magistrates Court or relocation to outside Crewe.
I want Wulvern Housing rents to be fair and affordable
I want Crewe and Nantwich to preserve and be proud of its history, and historical buildings.
I want to live in a country and community where everybody looks out for each other.
Crewe Chronicle